Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Construction zone

KerrySteele.com header

You won't need a hard hat (I might if this gets really frustrating) while I reconfigure everything. I want to integrate the graphics I use on my blog and on KerrySteele.com and it's going to be like bathing suit shopping. I am going to have to try on a lot before I settle on something. So I ask your patience in case you see a bunch of flip-flopping.
As you can see I have a lot going on looks-wise.

last blog header

shop header

Feel free to chime in with your thoughts.


Karena said...

Love the second banner, the clean and crisp look.

The Arts by Karena

The Pink Pagoda said...

I'd like your shop header with a small logo above but the background in white. I think super clean and organized looking would be great.

Kristen @ Pursuing Vintage said...

I like what you have up now - words over your painting. I think it is different and reflects your style.