Wait! Before you run away thinking you know how this all ends, let me tell you that there is a nice little surprise at the end.
Scroll on.
Let's recap. First I painted the fabric binding of this seagrass rug a cobalt blue.
Next I planned to use this stencil for the body of the rug in pink.
I mixed two pinks for a light, but not too light pink and added fabric medium for flexibility after drying.
I then sprayed the stencil with adhesive and let it dry for a couple of minutes until tacky as the directions stated. I even thought to myself as the stencil did not seem to stick at all, "Let the swearing begin!"
What the $#%& !!!!?
This looks like pink puppy paw prints.
This is where I stopped. The stencil not adhering made paint squish under it and the design did not work on the highly textured rug.
I was prepared with a Plan B.
Several people seemed to really want me to paint a rug like one of my paintings and I could not envision this
or this
or this
on a rug.
Instead, I painted a pared down version of this
in different colors.
Behold, plan B.
It is an 18 x 24 mat so not too big but if you would like to have it, I am giving it away.
For a chance to win it go to my portfolio and choose a favorite painting and Pin it on Pinterest. Come back here and tell me which one you chose. The titles of the paintings can be seen by hovering your mouse on them or clicking the image.
For an additional entry you can "like" Kerry Steele Art on Facebook and let me know in a separate comment. If you have already done so just let me know that too.
Don't forget to check out everyone else's results

I will draw a random winner on Monday October 8.
Glad I am not the only one whose first plan didn't turn out as planned! So cool to see one of your "paintings" in another form!
Fantastic Kerry!!! Your Art Rug is beautiful!! Congrats! xoxo
i LOVE IT. This is why everyone wanted to see you do one...it rocks! As much as I would like to win it, it doesn't feel fair. I still liked you on FB, and I will pin, pin, pin.
Great plan B! So cool.
Good thinking Kerry! THe hopeless serial DIY'er in me still thinks you can salvage your first rug somehow. Love your painting on the rug!
xo Nancy
I wanted you to do an abstract to begin with - great plan!
I love it! What a smart and creative idea!!
Way to turn a lemon into lemonade Kerry! Love that you used an original design and think this would be perfect in a girl's bathroom. Success in my book.
Love it ! (and hope I win it!)
You were so smart in doing what you do BEST!!! It's fabulous!!!!
I pinned a number of them. They are amazing and would love any one of them in my home.....
My choice and favorite:
LOVE what you did! Genius! I pin your art all the time and it sooooo gets repinned. Everyone loves your work!
Wow, Kerry, being new to your blog I wasn't familiar with your abstracts! Truly stunning, great to see your passion captured on your rug!
Wow, glad the stencil didn't work out because the one you made free-hand was even better! I salute you for braving on this adventure. Great job!
I love the "To destiny, I bend" -will be perfect for the bedroom!
I pinned "Brave Virginia" and I liked you on Facebook already. The mat is bold and playful.
Kerry I have a feeling if I were to do this DIY it would turn out pretty much like your 1st! Love your art rug though!
I am having an amazing Giveaway of Plush Pumpkins from Love Feast!
Art by Karena
Wow it looks great. 2nd times a charm I guess. - Brandy@ChateauÀGogo
Art underfoot! BTW, I pinned one of your pieces the other day, so I'm in!
Looks like you were prepared to go to Plan B. It turned out great! :)
Puppy paws made me snort! I like how you didn't give up girl!
Oh my. I wasn't really paying attention and thought you taped off the binding with blue painter's tape.
I have to wonder how the paint is going to hold up. I would expect it to break up/disintegrate and leave paint dust all over the floor. I'd love to know how using it works out.
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