Tuesday, September 7, 2021


                               Today is the 7th of September and there are a few new things going on.

                                                                    I am still painting.

La Lumiere
La Lumiere

This is part of a series that I am still working on but it's almost done. I really have to get a better photo of the painting because it is actually a pink background. I have blues and greens in the works also.

I also have a new job in a cute furniture store here in Mount Pleasant which is a suburb of Charleston SC.

Distant Drizzle

We went to Atalanta for my daughter's birthday and took her to the aquarium.

There were so many wonderful exhibits and huge tanks and an underwater tunnel. It was just amazing. So if you have never been, start thinking about your trip to Atlanta.

If you don't have to stay downtown near the aquarium, DON'T!

It was so freaking loud at night and our room was sound proofed, but not from people playing car radios so loud that they had to have hearing damage. It's also a bit scary as a woman and a 12 year old to walk around outside by yourself. We walked to dinner both nights and the first night we were terrified.

Well, that's my life. What have you been up to?


Elizabeth "Libby" Day said...

I just rediscovered your blog. It is so good to get an update and know you are still painting. I’m also excited for you about the job. You will no doubt be a great asset to them. My 25 yr old granddaughter just returned from a solo trip to Spain and Portugal. She is very comfortable traveling alone. She feels safer traveling abroad alone than I do in some of our American cities. Good to catch up with you again.

Ryan said...

Besi tempa adalah salah satu jenis produk logam yang dibuat dengan cara ditempa atau dipanaskan hingga suhu tinggi, kemudian dipukul atau diberi tekanan untuk membentuk bentuk tertentu. Produk-produk besi tempa sering memiliki tampilan artistik dan tahan lama. Berikut beberapa contoh jenis produk besi tempa:
Pagar Besi Tempa ,
Railing Tangga Besi Tempa ,
Kanopi Besi Tempa