
Friday, January 2, 2015

All play and no work

Over the Christmas/New Year holiday I had the fun of the flu (all of us in turn) and houseguests and the usual flurry of activity of the season. I did not get one bit of "work" done. By work I mean paintings for galleries or my website. I just did not have the energy but like most artists, I gotta paint something. Out came the acrylics and some paper and I relaxed by painting flowers.

I just sat at my kitchen table and made these while my family buzzed around me or slept. The latter worked better.

 I even worked on these while sipping champagne with Mr. Designdumonde on New Year's eve so I was surely playing, right?

They were popular on Instagram and are listed on Etsy

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and wish you a wonderful year ahead!!


  1. Work or play, they're still beautiful pieces of art!

  2. Love these! Hope you're feeling better!! Happy New Year!

  3. What a beautiful series to celebrate the new year! I love them!! Happy 2015, Kerry. Cheers my friend~

  4. Sooo lovely. I'm sick in bed with a cold right now! :( But enjoying looking at your pretty work.

  5. Love these! I had the flu too and it set me up for two weeks of unaccomplished bliss. Hope you're better now. Take care of yourself. xoxo

  6. They are beautiful! Sorry you had the flu, it dipped its toe into our house at the start on December too. Happy New Year!
