
Friday, March 21, 2014

New work

"Champagne street cred" 30 x 40 oil on canvas by Kerry Steele

The painting above is something a little different in terms of color for me. It is a commission for a very exciting installation that I will share soon. I started with white and a tiny touch of lavender and then added the "blacks" which are sepia, Payne's gray and Mars black applied mostly with a credit card type hotel key.
They wanted a bit of gold and I decided on an oil stick for that. Oil sticks are like big buttery crayons and really fun to work with.

"Canon in D" 16 x 40 mixed media on canvas

This floral painting was inspired by all of the wedding pins I have been seeing on Pinterest. I am loving these elongated canvases for floral paintings. This is my first 16 x 40 inch canvas and I may be doing more since I liked it so much. I began with acrylic spray paint and finished with oil colors and Conte stick.

small figural series  #7

I am continuing to do more small figures on linen and I now have a commissioned nude that you will be seeing sometime soon.

Stay tuned, I have lots of work in progress!
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  1. I'm loving this departure, really like it. Your description of the gold paint stick makes me want one!

  2. I agree, very different from your previous work but feels similar too! Looks fantastic Kerry!

  3. Love seeing these exciting new works, Kerry! Such dynamic movement in Champagne street cred!!

  4. Love the new work Kerry! Have a great spring weekend. xo Nancy

  5. Great new works Kerry. I love working on unique sized canvases as the vertical! The black and white is very powerful!

    The Arts by Karena

  6. kerry! that black and gold one is SERIOUSLY AWESOME!!
