
Friday, November 29, 2013

Novica winner

So is everyone still wearing their yoga pants after yesterday's feast?
I know I am and there are still a few dishes left to do.

Its really interesting to me that the first person, Kristen on the last giveaway won and the last person SolDucky won this one.


I off to get a few things done today.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Art + math =

Last year I used the Fibonacci spiral as a basis for a composition in a painting.
The Fibonacci sequence is a magical group of number that begins 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21...
Each number is obtained by adding the previous two numbers and it makes for some interesting math tricks.
Here is a short but great video illustrating how the Fibonacci sequence works.

The other night I decided to use that sequence to mark off a composition. Instead of using the spiral I marked off inches along the top and side using the sequence.

I did not want a canvas of varying rectangles so I made the rule that each stroke, curve or plane had to correspond with one of the marks that mapped out two 1 inch areas then a 2 inch and a 3 inch and a 5inch... on up to 13 inches.

This canvas is a 24 x 36 in ch canvas. I wont make you do the math but I had some space left over after I measured this out and that really called for a more free-form style as opposed to precision.
I loved this way of painting. I am always mindful of composition and this set of guidelines allowed me to relax and have fun with the paint because Fibonacci took care of the rest.

I really hate math unless its fun like this.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Also select canvases are on sale at through the holidays.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A Matisse inspired table setting

I was playing around with table settings and my new tablecloth and was reminded of the Fauvist style work by Matisse.
The Metropolitan Museum of art defines Fauvism as "Fauvism was the first of the avant-garde movements that flourished in France in the early years of the twentieth century. The Fauve painters were the first to break with Impressionism as well as with older, traditional methods of perception. Their spontaneous, often subjective response to nature was expressed in bold, undisguised brushstrokes and high-keyed, vibrant colors directly from the tube"

This table setting is my nod to Matisse. I am loving the cheerful colors and I just don't care that its not autunmal or Puritanical but then neither am I.


Who is inspiring your Thanksgiving table?

Monday, November 25, 2013

Giveaway $100 gift card

Its giveaway time again!
This time its a $100 gift card from Novica.

 I have several things from Novica and you can read my last post about the handcarved trinket box HERE.

Novica has several gift guides.
My favorite from gifts for her is this batik scarf.

Its second to this handcarved box. I have a collection of tiny trinket and jewelry boxes.

I found these agate coasters in gifts for him but I would be happy to find these under the tree for me.

To enter the giveaway head on over to Novica and tell me what you would use the $100 gift card to buy.
Please enter once by leaving a comment and be sure I can contact you.

Winner will be chosen at random and announced Friday 9 am.

Friday, November 22, 2013

and the winner is...

The winner of my art giveaway is Kristen Alcorta of Pursuing Vintage!

Yay, Kristen!

Today my son, aka Mr. Death Metal Maniac, is returning for Thanksgiving break. I am really excited. I have never been apart from him this long. He will get his first real-life look at his room that was part of the ORC link up.
I am hosting another giveaway for $100 gift certificate starting Monday. So make sure to stop by.

Have a fantastic weekend.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Kerry Steele art giveaway

 I am giving away an 8 x 10 painting on canvas.
The winner can choose the floral painting above or the abstract below.

No hoops to jump through, just leave a comment and you will be entered. Please make sure that I have a way to contact you. If you are a "No-reply blogger" it is kind of tough so leave an email.

This painting size is perfect for displaying a variety of ways.

I love art on tabletop easels too.

It also a good size for gallery walls.

That's it!
I'll choose the winner Friday November 22 at 8 am EST and post right away.
US and Canada residents only please.

See more of my available work at or in my Etsy shop.

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Like Kerry Steele Art on Facebook to see my latest artwork
Follow me on Instagram to see paintings in progress

Monday, November 18, 2013

Art in Washington

I am linking up over on You May be Wandering today for the "No passports required" link up
 When you think of art, New York and Paris may come to mind first but don't forget about our nation's capitol.
I grew just outside of Washington D.C. with a an art teacher for a grandmother and you can bet the many art museums in the city were a regular favorite.
Did you know that The National Gallery of Art is home to the only painting by Leonardo Da Vinci on this side if the Atlantic.

Ginevra de' Benci
The National gallery is home to many other familiar works.

Jean Honore Fragonard "Young Girl Reading:

Edouard Manet "The Railway"

Claude Monet "The Japanese Footbridge"

Its a short subway ride to The National Portrait Gallery is not to be missed.

The gallery houses many iconic portraits as well as contemporary collections and some chosen to illustrate themes in American history.

The oft forgotten Phillips Collection is nearby too.
Highlights include the Rothko room and Renoir's "Luncheon of the boating party"

Renoir-"Luncheon of the boating party"
That is just a sample of the large public art museums in Washington, most of which are free to visit. Try to find that in New York or Paris.
Below is a more comprehensive list of art museums, some of which are part of the Smithsonian Institution,
which many people think is one museum but is a group of many in the city.

Speaking of art, I will be giving away one of my original painting this week so stop by tomorrow for details.

Friday, November 15, 2013


I hate to be all me, me,me, me this week but I honestly don't have the brain power for more. My four year-old has been holding her hand on her eye fussing and squealing since last night. The remainder of my day will be spent in various doctors' offices.
After everyone went to bed last night I had a little fun with watercolors.

I was originally intending to paint things for more fabric designs but I soon went off on another tangent.

Its a great way to unwind in the evening for me.
These are all on Etsy and I think I will do a few more this weekend.
What's your weekend looking like?

Thursday, November 14, 2013

fabric love

This tablecloth is happening at my house on Thanksgiving. It arrived yesterday and I am in love with it.
Way to go Target.
I hope I can come up with a picture worthy tablescape.

If you follow me on Instagram you may have seen one of my new fabric designs,

I had some random watercolor flowers that I painted last year just to play with the watercolors. Nothing really equaled a composition, just floating blooms. That happened to translate nicely into this floral fabric.

I would like to do more. Any ideas?

Giveaways coming next week!

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Like Kerry Steele Art on Facebook to see my latest artwork
Follow me on Instagram to see paintings in progress

Monday, November 11, 2013

Inspiration lately

This gorgeous photo was brought to my attention by the one and only Mary McDonald on Facebook.
I tweeted about it and she mentioned me and its creator in a tweet.  The divine Ms. MM tweeted again that she would love to see my ranunculus painting. No pressure...Aaaaah!  After my heart attack, I looked a little closer at this photographer's work.
Check it out HERE her name is Jessica Nichols and its inspiring to say the least.

I managed to finish my painting over the weekend.

I wish the texture showed up better in the photos like they do in this progress shot.

I took this picture of a very pretty sky the other day. My neighbor had just given birth to a daughter minutes before so I am using it a inspiration for a painting that will be a baby gift.

This is such a fun photo. Its coming to a canvas near me soon.

Very pretty.
I think I am on a floral kick lately.
What's inspiring you?

Friday, November 8, 2013

What were you pinning last year?

One of my first pins

I was in search of a pin recently and noticed a trend or two in my boards. The things I was pinning a year or two ago are different, for the most part, than what I am pinning now.

I don't pin much that is not art related these days and there is a decided edge to my choices.

Sometimes I don't even like the elements of a room that I pin.

I am chalking it up to desensitization of my eyes. Yeah, its pretty but if it doesn't get my attention, I don't pin.
What are your criteria for pinning?

Thursday, November 7, 2013

The reveal-ORC linking participant

 Linda, from Calling it Home is the brainchild of this endeavor.
 Oh Linda! what a six weeks it has been! Thank you for hosting and giving everyone a chance to delve into the fun of the ORC
Let's recap.
I wanted to create a dual use room that is an inviting guest room, when needed and a personalized space for my 18 year old son who is away at college majoring in music business . The look needed to be masculine with an eclectic mix of mid-century modern and boho elements yet cohesive.
Two inspiration pics
I also wanted a kickin' gallery wall.
The challenges for me were to avoid anything feminine or ridiculously out of place. I kept reaching for candle holders and Chinoiserie elements or a plant (even funnier if you know me). Most 18 year old guys aren't into candles and/or blue and white porcelain and he will be using this room most.

One of the most fun aspects for me, after the artwork (highlighted in week 5), was choosing the lighting. I got really lucky and that story is in week 4.
Walmart pillow...who knew!?
Week 3 was all about panic but I showed off my happy vintage goodies in week 2
Without further ado...

Ideally, this will be a place for guitars and playing

Little glass tray for his guitar picks


 I am in love with this desk and chair.

Each area contains a reference to music or music studies.

You might recognize this hat from the painting of my son.

The gallery wall.

I did manage one sort of last minute DIY.

 I took this 20 year-old Ikea bookshelf and AS chalk painted it in Paris gray

I used a mini foam roller to save time and it worked brilliantly.

Then I fell into styling hell and prayed to Sherry, the goddess of shelf styling but as you can see she did not come to help. LOL!

I must say, I am thrilled with this room and it turned out more 18 year-old son than guest room but that's OK.
Now I think I will christen this room with a cozy nap.
Below is my source list if its not on here I already had it or its vintage.

Source list

Kantha quilt--Etsy
Navy shams--Homegoods
Round pillow on bed-- eBay
Desk and Shagreen nightstand--Target
Gray lacquer tray--JcPenney
Chrome and Lucite lamp--Homegoods
Vintage lamp--Etsy
Custom portrait by Sam Kimura--Etsy
Large abstract--Kerry Steele
Linen curtains--Ikea
Bamboo shades--Lowes
Round cushion for

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