
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Oh this old thing?

File this one under WTF?
This artist creates wearable sculture. Its an interesting kind of conceptual art.

I find the street clothes of the models distracting enough to make the whole thing laughable, but that's just me. What do you think?


  1. Hahaha, It's just a little something I threw on.

  2. Good god. Laughable is the right word for that...piece.

  3. Hahaha! Yes, it's art, but wearing it? really?! I saw the other designs and they were far worse. Appreciate her creativity, but buying something like this for me? No way. :-)

  4. #stinkinhilarious. this might make me fall down

  5. More hilarious than this wearable art is the title of your post. Laughing out loud...

  6. This goes into my category of "What were they thinking?" I find very little art as a wearable thing, but maybe on a wall, or as a sculpture, or under a blanket? Maybe? I guess it is all in the eye of the creator.

  7. I appreciate the artist's concept. I think it's an interesting idea but using unconventional materials to create an unconventional form might take the concept too far. If these forms were made with expected clothing materials or these "building materials" were "fashioned" into clothing forms, the concept would be more evident. I don't think the viewer should have to read a pretentious description to get the concept. That's my expert opinion.

  8. Now I've seen everything.

    But wasn't it Dali who dressed his wife Gala up with things on her head?

    I thought "wall sculpture" was frigging weird but this stuff takes the cake.

    I do like the scarf one though. i would love to wear that to work.

    xo Terri

  9. These people need to stop thinking so much.
