
Monday, August 19, 2013

Mirror, mirror on the inside

OK, apologies in advance for not getting my shit together this weekend and lining up my posts.
Getting a kid ready to head off to college while running a business and being a stay-at-home mom takes up a crazy lot of time time. This week I am using a photo each day with an element worth talking about. At least, to me worth talking about.

I found this bar situation on Pinterest and could not source it.
Anyone, anyone, Bueller?

I am not excited by mirrored furniture unless... its a tasty surprise on the inside.
I love all of that sparkly goodness.
Would you add mirrors to the inside of an existing piece of furniture?


  1. I LOVE this! It makes you want to keep it open! The pattern on the mirror is fantastic, too.

  2. I love the unexpected mirror inside. Vintage mirror furniture is fun, but I know what you mean about the new loud pieces.

  3. Kerry, I am a mirror girl ... and this is so glam! xo

  4. Love it, practical too - easier to see what's in there. I notice this stuff as I get older...

    Is this your son's freshman year? Very exciting!

  5. So agree on mirrored furniture, but this is incredible. LOVE it on the inside!

  6. Absolutely yes! Love that piece!
    Xo Nancy

  7. This is a great piece! In the right room and spot it would be fab!

  8. It would be difficult but a big YES!

  9. I got dizzy and fell off my chair when I first saw that. Now that I am back up, I like it. xo T.

  10. That's very cool. I think the etched diamonds really make it though.

  11. Now this is fab! Not a fan of overly glitzy pieces but I love this!

    P.s. will be sending you a long overdue post later this evening(way later:-))

  12. Kerry I love that bright sparkling piece! A great bar!

    Art by Karena

  13. Totally understand the busyness of your life...but I love this piece..

  14. I'm with you - not my bag usually, but this piece is pretty fun.

  15. It looks like some of the Barbara Barry stuff for Baker Furniture from about 10 years ago.
