
Monday, June 3, 2013

Odds and ends

The crooked tie and lack of tassel say a lot about the chaos of this last week leading up to graduation. It was a doozy. I was a little sick and my mother was visiting on top of all of my normal busy-ness.
Today the girls are at school and one boy moved out and the other is away for the week. The silence is awesome.

I have had little time for painting and the two canvases that I was working on seem to be a lost cause. Lack of focus is my excuse.
I have been spending a bit more time and energy on having my art in galleries here in my small city. I'll keep you posted on how that goes.

One project that has been some time in the making did happen.
Let me tell you about the bumps and a good frame source.

I have two prints from the lovely Jennifer, at The Pink Pagoda. She custom made two small size blue and white prints that I had been wanting for my pink and blue and white bath. I wanted bamboo style frames and ordered two from an eBay seller.
Besides taking forever to arrive they were put together in ridiculous fashion.

That involved the hassle of opening a case with eBay and the indignant seller telling me ," No frame shop in the world would match up these moldings perfectly."
Luckily, LeRoys Custom Frames on Etsy can, in fact, achieve this Herculean feat. They were inexpensive to boot.

LeRoys only had this frame in black but I knew five minutes with a can of spray paint was no big deal.

I am so thrilled to have found a good and affordable frame source.
One more little thing coming down the pipe that only design junkies will understand my excitement for...
A few weeks ago I showed you all this fabric and mentioned more pillows. Silly me. I don't want more pillows.

In a flash of genius, I devised a plan to alter the much hated pouf in my family room and incorporate the fabric.

The circular, mirroe image on the fabric works perfectly with this nearly destroyed pouf. When I excitedly announced my idea to my husband, he looked afraid and said, "You need to get a life."


  1. Your pictures look great...Jennifer is so talented...

  2. Congrats on your son's graduation, Kerry! Love the prints from Jennifer - should be featured on her blue and white Monday postings.
    PS - I miss your Craig's list posts!!

  3. 1. Mazel mazel on the graduation!

    2. Jennifer is awesome to the nth degree.

    3. Lazy framer is lazy.

    4. My Hubs just usually cocks an eyebrow and leaves it at that. :)

  4. That frame from eBay is ridiculous. That type of thing is so irritating. I LOVE how the prints look. Great job on the framing. Thanks so much for the shout out!

  5. Love Jennifer's prints in those frames, great resource on the framer! Thanks! Congrats on the quiet and everyone's accomplishments, and no more company! Have a great week.
    xo Nancy

  6. I can't believe that frame. That's so ridiculous!

  7. The frames look perfect with the prints.
    The Pouf will be Marvelous!!!!

  8. Congratulations to the graduate. I love those prints. I have had corner issues like that, too. I just don't understand how people think that is ok?
