
Friday, April 26, 2013

Happy weekend

I did not mean to bail on blogging this week. Sick kids, sick me and a sweet sixteen birthday hogged my time. It was actually the scrambling to plan the almost four year-old's party that really had me distracted.
She wants a princess party, my husband wants the party at home and I don't want want to run around leading party games for 15 four year-olds for two hours. In a flash of brilliance, I came up with a way to please us all. We have rented a princess castle bounce house which the 16 year-old will monitor and the adults will have copious amounts of food in relative peace. Oh and beer, I forgot beer too.
Mr. Design du Monde is off three Saturdays in a row... unheard of! I feel like normal people.

Have great weekend.


  1. Sounds like a brilliant plan for sure. Hope that little 4 year old has a ball.

  2. Wow lots of busy, fun activities Kerry! I hope you are all feeling better!Enjoy the weekend!

    PS I am having a Paris Book Giveaway!
    Art by Karena

  3. sounds like the princess will bounce her way to happiness. Hope it's a grand weekend for you all and that everyone is feeling better.
    xo Nancy

  4. Genius! I bet the party will be a blast for you and the kids! I tend to go OVERBOARD with my kids parties, but that's ME, I hope I can be less uptight with my parties next time. Have a great weekend!

  5. Genius! I bet the party will be a blast for you and the kids! I tend to go OVERBOARD with my kids parties, but that's ME, I hope I can be less uptight with my parties next time. Have a great weekend!

  6. Happy birthday to the young du Monde and have a fantastic weekend, Kerry!!!

  7. oh how fun, i still would love to moon bounce at any age!!! have fun - so great you get to spend time with the hubs!

  8. Great idea!
    Hope you are feeling yourself soon.

  9. Love the picture, good health to everyone. Happy weekend.

  10. The party sounds like great fun! Over here, when mine was of the princess party age, we hired a "princess" to come entertain and tell a princessy story. Will the girls come dressed as princesses? That age is so adorable!

  11. The perfect party for a four year old and a princess castle bounce house...brilliant!!
