
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Let there be...soda?

Yes or no? Discuss. Read about it HERE

I will be doing quickie posts for a bit. I am over scheduled and have my pals arriving with my teenagers, who have been away, on Thursday. Yikes, I'm not ready!!!
But seriously, what do you think of this lighting?


  1. I love this light! Sometimes the ideas I see make me think I am missing the point on LIFE..geez, who thinks of this stuff? Everyday objets d'art! LOVE it. Good luck with your company.
    xo Nancy

  2. It's definitely different...but I'm not sure this would be a light I could live with. Humm...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I think my nice made one of these at Vacation Bible Camp a few years back. Silly girl gave hers away--or, at least, tried to.

  5. I say, why not? It's pretty handsome and modern so I can see it working in a modern space. And if you made it yourself, it's even better.
