
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Pinners and boards to inspire your weekend!

Seriously, who doesn't love Claire Desjardins? I stumbled upon her Pinterest boards today. Her board with her own art is swoon worthy and "my inspiration" board is a taste of heaven, in terms of art.

Too hot? Too boring where you live?
Real life destinations that will make you want to hop a plane are on this board.

The ultimate in decorating and chinoiserie boards is none other than The Pink Pagoda.
I am sorry if I have further enabled your Pinterest addiction! hehehe.
Happy Pinning.
* P.S. In other news, the winner of the small commission yesterday is Jean of Flower Hill Design. She was the first to mention the movie based on the novel Being There by Jerzy Kosinsky, that my painting of the same name was inspired by. *


  1. Hi Kerry! It IS too hot and boring here! I'm on my way out to a local antique mall that has lots of cool mid century. I had to figure out something that involved air conditioning! Thank you so much for mentioning my Pinterest boards. I'm going to enjoy looking through your other board recommendations!

  2. Oh boy is pinning sweeping the nation! At least among our friends, eh? I love TPP and her style, and Desjardins work! Have a great weekend.
    TTY soon!

  3. I win! I win! I'm so excited!

  4. Yeah for Jean!! I already follow you, and TPP, going to check out the others.

  5. Oh, Pinterest is way too problematic for me. I'm a bit addicted! Stay cool :-)

  6. Pinterest does have some gorgeous images to browse through. I also am a fan of It also has some gorgeous images.

    Congratulations to Flower Hill Design! :)

  7. Well, I'm more than a little jealous of Jean's win, but I'm going to try and be a good sport about it! And I really have to try and limit my Pinterest time - once I get on there it's hard to get off of it!
