
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Thrifty Thursday High/Low

Horchow's Moroccan Garden seat is listed at $455 HERE

West Elm has a white alternative
$129 HERE

Horchow aslo has this wooden garden seat

$455 HERE

West Elm to the rescue again
$199 HERE

Horchow's Antique Garden Stool is a staggering $760 HERE

Wisteria  has a fine substitute for $279 HERE

I really have nothing against Horchow so let's see what we could get by shopping low.
If you bought all three accent tables at Horchow the bill would be $1670.
If you chose the West Elm and Wisteria versions that total would be $607.
The savings of $1063 would buy both of these fabulous mirrors at Horchow. YAY!

$495 HERE

Also $495 HERE


  1. Great finds, Kerry! That first mirror was on Joss and Main the other night for $299!

  2. Bravo girlfriend! Plus you may be able to find mirrors similar to the Horchow for much less, as Pink Pagoda mentioned.

    Art by Karena

  3. Isn't it amazing how much mark-up they put on items. We have a Horchow outlet here and items there are marked down A LOT but still HIGH. I like your versions not only for the price but the look as well!

  4. I'm really impressed with West Elm lately. I actually like their white garden seat better than the more expensive one.

  5. Kerry - great post. I love West Elm - they have such great designs at reasonable prices. Love your blog! I am following you!

  6. Kerry - great post. I love West Elm - they have such great designs at reasonable prices. Love your blog! I am following you!
