
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Mexican. Who knew?

So, I did not have a blog post idea for today and I stared at Pinterest for a long time with more on the screen than was in my brain at 6 am. Then a thought! I'll search for something, I thought, but what? More blank. A chair... a Louis chair?... no....Swedish, French, weird... not right.... I know... Mexican chair! I bet I won't find anything.

I thought I knew a lot about mid century furniture but this is new to me. This was designed in Mexico in the 1950s. I could not find info on the original designer but it is now made by Carlos Ochos workshop.

side note: I find this room kind of awesome

The frame is iron and the seat is made with flexible vinyl cords. I'd love to know if it is comfortable. It comes in kid sizes too.

And a Rocker, who knew?
Have you seen this before?


  1. Never have seen anything like that. It is different but I wonder if you got in it if you could get out? HA With no arms, I could see myself tangled in the vinyl cords and because it is a rocker, I'd probably rock myself right over! HA

  2. It looks vaguely familiar, but I know I haven't seen it much. Very interesting!
