
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Liebster Award

I just got a Liebster award!.
Many thanks to Linda from My Crafty Home Life who selected me and my blog
The Liebster award is given to (and from) smaller bloggers, less than 200 followers. It is a way to spread the word and recognize us little guys.

 Apparently there are five rules that need to be followed by those accepting this award:
    1. Choose five up-and-coming blogs to award the Liebster to. These five blogs must have fewer than 200 followers.
    2. Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
    3. Post the award on your blog. 
    4. List the bloggers you gave the award to with links to their sites. Leave comments on their blogs so they know about the award.
    5. Share 5 random facts about yourself.

    My 5 random facts are:
    1. My husband and I have a total of 5 kids. Two of his, two of mine, and one of ours. One in college, three in high school and the youngest in diapers.
    2. I am what I call a recovering slob. In other words, I was a total slob in the past and have now become somewhat of a neat freak and germaphobe.  My kitchen sink and counters are disinfected several times a day and I like really clean floors. Please don't wear shoes in my house. I wouldn't be so rude as to ask you to remove them but I will be very uncomfortable.
    3. French was my first language.
    4. My husband and I are very frugal most of the time but we have spent over $500 on dinner for just the two of us-TWICE.
    5. I love to cook and eat gourmet food but I hate the grind of making dinner every night.
    Here are my five picks for the Liebster award:


    1. Thanks Kerry!
      I always love discovering new blogs, and of course I love awards.


    2. Congratulations on the award!

    3. Thanks for stopping by my blog Kerry!! Congrats on the blog ... I need to get mine up too!! Anytime you want a door from Maine, let me know!!

    4. Thank you Kerry!!! This made my day!
