
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Making things better

The dividing archway between my living and dining rooms is something that has bothered me since I bought this house a year ago.

View from the living room before moving in
The dining room has wainscotting and a chair rail and the living room does not. The problem is that these half walls with columns only separate the space and do not define where the outside walls stop. This means that unless I add something both rooms would have to be the same color.
One side brown the other pink
I wanted two different colored rooms but did not want a line of paint to be the separating mark.

Trim complete

My rather handy husband used a board and rope trim to create this simple finishing touch. As he said, " No one will ever walk in and say, Wow what great trim! but it vastly improves the rooms."
It is  a bittersweet reward to finish a project with no wow factor but I know it's there.


  1. Great detail! Oh too often you see that horrible line between 2 different colored rooms. I'm glad you used a little decorative edge piece too.

  2. I should have mentioned that I originally wanted a pilaster in that spot. Pre-made pilasters did not fit and it would've been a huge pain to piece one together. We like the simplicity of this trim and it allows for built-ins to be added some day.
