
Monday, November 30, 2015

Let's catch up

Bless me readers for it has been 6 weeks since my last blog. 
I went to Catholic mass for the first time in years this Sunday so that is my joke for the week.
To say I have been busy is an understatement. Lots of wonderful things that I must keep under wraps for the moment have been in the works. 
 Oh and painting.. I have done a bit, though not as much as I would like. I have been striving to make my nudes more like my abstracts. 

We have also been working on the house.
I will have a guest bath update soon.
This week we hosted two big dinners. They involved cleaning like crazy, having not exactly enough beds, ironing tablecloths and napkins, washing china, and cooking way way way too much food.

I went with the chargers and real silver for Thanksgiving but two nights earlier my husband's family descended as did our college kids. It was a flurry of happy activity and massive amounts of food (and wine) that called for a more casual table.

All in all, it has been a rather productive 6 weeks for me and I hope someone is reading this after all this time.

Check back soon for that bath update on a budget.
Also subscribers to my newsletter (see link at top right) will be receiving notice of a private sale for subscribers only before my January price increase. Sign up!!